General education effects in the category of skills
Graduates of the Uniform Master’s Physiotherapy Studies are able to:
- Perform physical therapy, kinesitherapy, massage and manual therapy procedures as well as use special methods in physiotherapy.
- Interpret the results of functional tests and carry out functional tests necessary for the selection of physiotherapy measures and interpret their results.
- Create, review and modify physiotherapy plans for people with various dysfunctions, including older people, according to their clinical and functional status and as part of a comprehensive rehabilitation process.
- Monitor the effects of physiotherapy treatment.
- Select medical devices according to the type of patient’s dysfunction and their needs at each stage of rehabilitation and instruct the patient in their use.
- Apply adaptive physical activity and sport activities for people with disabilities to the planning, selection, modification and development of various forms of recreational and sporting activities for people with special needs, including older people.
- Apply measures aimed at health education, health promotion, disability prevention, as well as primary and secondary prevention of diseases.
- Demonstrate high level of physical fitness required to correctly demonstrate and carry out kinesitherapy, massage and manual therapy and to apply special methods to people with various diseases, dysfunctions and disabilities.
- Plan their own learning activities and continuously improve their knowledge.
- Inspire others to learn and take up physical activity.
- Communicate with the patient and their family in an atmosphere of trust, taking into account patient's needs and rights.
- Communicate with colleagues within the team and share knowledge.
- Make use of knowledge on rationalisation and optimisation of physiotherapy, also while cooperating as part of the therapeutic team.
- Act according to ethical and bioethical principles in carrying out their activities belonging to the profession of a physiotherapist.